TRACE32 CombiProbe 2 for Arm® Cortex® -M

• Recommended for debugging of multicore microcontrollers consisting of Cortex-M cores and cores from other architecture
• Recommended for the parallel operation of two Cortex-M microcontrollers in safety-critical applications (hardware redundancy)
• Debug cable and 512 MByte of trace memory
• Whisker MIPI20T for Arm/Cortex and Whisker MIPI34
• Provides TRACE32 AutoFocus capabilty for MIPI34 whisker
• TRACE32 Streaming up to 85 MByte/s
• TRACE32 Mixed Signal Probe supported

The top configuration in photo shows a configuration with two identical whiskers as it is required for the parallel operation of two Cortex-M microcontrollers in safety-critical applications. The configuration at the bottom shows a TRACE32 Mixed Signal Probe connected to connector B.